Sera Monastery, 63 grand, Pope SOGBU occur LUVSANDANDAR out our resumes.
We GREAT people BAKhARKhAKhGÜI have not.
Well, Mr. Khan Dalaichoinkhor king's cape and current / train sum / or local Bishops Domar, Sair white willow is Genghis Khan's house Huvsgul province in the oldest son of a nobleman Prince and depth of origin of the father of Grand Darisuren 1893, my father was born lagshin the house to find his mother obliged, freedom uchralt body of men precious. Dandar cardinal sources for khöövöl father was a depth that noble tribe Soloonuud Born meerengiin boy Majesty. His mother Darisuren was born Dalaichoinkhor king's cape and support Mr. Tüdevdagva princes daughter in 1875. / Year, which is clearly seen with a / This is vital both sides of archival inquiries parents and lineage was a high noble family. So Dandar parents boijin increase until 4 or 5 years old, she only ones, and the people's standards, monks led töörgönd own and cited Xavi indigenous lands, Hujirt range of books and sit and Hujirtiin range of books and khutuktus his uncle, brother of fat you called incarnation observed Rinchen lama and other ancestors monks' eyes, books, sharp, good scientists and their descendants join monks. O and no doubt, his parents, a son dreams of monks learned. So my Dandar Lama before reaching the age of 10, was sitting in the county cultural education center Xavi within, Tariat had lived more than ten thousand monks during more than four thousand local banners circles chasing Lama hour meeting academic line of books and a teacher, Tariat within a monks science of the country and the snowy Tibetan holy monk cheerful book observed, and his Buddhist teacher, that range of learned monks, and then come back to övrölsöör carries the soul banner faith, monk learned bearing lands religion animals advantage of designing duties scholars as one of three book instead, genelee won the nectar of God's Book, and benefits from fifty blessed to meet with love instead of God's beloved father ömölzüülen liver relative to ünsüülen mother gave birth carries in 1909 at age sixteen carries the body of his birthplace, Meanwhile, let's. This charity relatives and ancestors Lama corn goes my problem, not twitching walked exhaustion and fatigue renunciant come to visit the country and the snowy Tibetan ox religious ji monastery in Tibet, Buddhist book harder, always book line drive there chimegt of the snowy Tibetan monks evening three major monasteries and served as one of the Buddhist philosophy graduate high degree of Geshe lkharambyn course occur successfully filled the building won myandag honored as "Geshe LKhARAMBA" Mongolians went to show him impressive in bright, and the memory of Tibet Mongolian people. Sera monastery and later a masters Evening vintage cape deputy Dalaichoinkhor down at the Patriarch's throne Sera Monastery, Tariat Khüree corn Sengee Rinpoche or Sengee Lkharambyg when the country's place at the center of the anchor, anchor and teachers holy book achit had become a shelter I was. Dandar Bishop / Lkharamba / decree was zalagdaj appointed as Director of the government during 1944-1947 Sera Monastery Patriarch Tibet, Rinpoche ones chosen. Today, such Dandar cardinal reincarnation "KENTÜL Dandar RINBÜChIIG" was identified in the late 1990s, the Dalai Lama. Current Kentül Dandar Rinpoche also continue to make zokhiosoor benefits animal religion book Mongolian land deeds in front roles. Bishop front actor Dandar took the responsibility of spreading message, Tariat range clerk teachers instruction book scientific book citizen shajin come within range tögösgön Tariat learn a closed book shajin particular time. ... After Damon thus continue working hard as complementing shajin book worship. After the blessing of the statue Kentül Dandar Rinpoche are still made by Tariatynkhaa range keen mind shuluudan restoration work, the
Rinpoche YOU are still happy to be fulfilled.
RELIGIOUS ten directions, the spread of the sun.
All beast BUYaND followed rejoiced.
Let animals all the suffering of the reasons for losing.